Rare Marvels


Rare Marvels: A Portal to Celestial and Natural Phenomena


I am excited to announce the launch of Rare Marvels, a project dedicated to providing enthusiasts with easily accessible data on rare celestial and natural phenomena. Whether you're an amateur astronomer, a seasoned stargazer, or simply curious about the wonders of our universe, Rare Marvels aims to be your go-to resource for up-to-date and comprehensive information both locally and globally.

Key Features

APIs for Comprehensive Data

Rare Marvels utilizes a suite of APIs designed to gather and provide detailed information on various events:

  • Location Data: Accurate and precise data to pinpoint your observation site.
  • Solar Eclipses: Track both local and global solar eclipses with detailed information on timing, duration, and visibility.
  • Moon Phases: Stay updated with the current phase of the moon and future lunar cycles.
  • Lunar Eclipses: Information on upcoming lunar eclipses, including partial and total eclipses.
  • Asteroid and Comet Close Approaches: Data on near-Earth objects, their trajectories, and potential visibility.
  • Planet Transit Data: Information on the transit of planets across the sun, a rare and spectacular event.

Upcoming Features

  • Email News Notifications: Soon, users will be able to subscribe to email notifications to receive timely updates about upcoming celestial events tailored to their interests and locations.
  • More celesial and natural events

Why Rare Marvels?

My goal with Rare Marvels is to make user-friendly data about rare and beautiful natural events easily accessible to everyone by compiling and organizing data from various reliable sources.

List of APIs

  • Django cities light
    • Python install to migrate list of cities and their coords into your database
  • Astronomy Engine
    • Python install to get info about local solar eclispe data, lunar eclipses, and moon phases
  • NASA Solar Eclipses
    • Scraped table data about eclipses
    • Web request to get close approaches to planets (used for asteroid and comet data)